Celebrate Constitution Day

By Wendy Moore and Geraldine Kalim

Every September, federal depository libraries across the nation celebrate Constitution Day, including our own Alexander Campbell King Law Library. Stop by the Law Library Foyer today for a display of related items from the collection and to pick up a pocket Constitution.

Can’t make it into the library today? There are many online resources you can explore, including the National Constitution Center’s Interactive Constitution.

The Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) curates a wide variety of research guides at https://libguides.fdlp.gov/, such as:

  • Hot Topics – These guides are pulled from the GPO as well as depository library sites to provide a collection of resources for current interest areas. This collection includes a collection of Constitution Day guides.
  • Subject Guides – For guides with lists of resources and search tips related to specific topics and tools, check out this collection. Subjects include: COVID-19, Elections, Influenza, Natural Disasters, and Social Issues.

Several organizations around the state and around the country (including the School of Public and International Affairs (SPIA) here at UGA) are holding events today in honor of Constitution Day:

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